full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Roger Doiron: My subversive (garden) plot

Unscramble the Blue Letters

If we were to take the model here, the diagram of that particular garden, and sort of transpose it onto our federal agriculture policy, we'd get this: billions of billions of dollars going to spporut just a hfdunal of coimmtdoy crops with just that tiny little bit at the top for fruits and vegetables. This is scandalous. This is scandalous. We need to do something about this. I think one place we could start is we could look at the tax code. We're already using the tax code to encourage geren transport and green setehlr. Why not green food? We're in the midst now of talking about another stimulus package. Why not a garden sumliuts package? Why not?

Open Cloze

If we were to take the model here, the diagram of that particular garden, and sort of transpose it onto our federal agriculture policy, we'd get this: billions of billions of dollars going to _______ just a _______ of _________ crops with just that tiny little bit at the top for fruits and vegetables. This is scandalous. This is scandalous. We need to do something about this. I think one place we could start is we could look at the tax code. We're already using the tax code to encourage _____ transport and green _______. Why not green food? We're in the midst now of talking about another stimulus package. Why not a garden ________ package? Why not?


  1. shelter
  2. stimulus
  3. support
  4. green
  5. handful
  6. commodity

Original Text

If we were to take the model here, the diagram of that particular garden, and sort of transpose it onto our federal agriculture policy, we'd get this: billions of billions of dollars going to support just a handful of commodity crops with just that tiny little bit at the top for fruits and vegetables. This is scandalous. This is scandalous. We need to do something about this. I think one place we could start is we could look at the tax code. We're already using the tax code to encourage green transport and green shelter. Why not green food? We're in the midst now of talking about another stimulus package. Why not a garden stimulus package? Why not?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
white house 6
good food 4
gardens grow 3
garden movement 2
short video 2
united states 2
connect people 2
federal agriculture 2
tax code 2
local level 2
bring people 2

Important Words

  1. agriculture
  2. billions
  3. bit
  4. code
  5. commodity
  6. crops
  7. diagram
  8. dollars
  9. encourage
  10. federal
  11. food
  12. fruits
  13. garden
  14. green
  15. handful
  16. midst
  17. model
  18. package
  19. place
  20. policy
  21. scandalous
  22. shelter
  23. sort
  24. start
  25. stimulus
  26. support
  27. talking
  28. tax
  29. tiny
  30. top
  31. transport
  32. transpose
  33. vegetables